
" In a nutshell, Nic’s Online Programme has been a godsend since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic. It has been so comforting to know I can rely on her regularly for advice on how to treat and alleviate pain when it occurs, wherever it occurs. During our weekly Skype sessions together, we have devised ways and means for me to help myself effectively through gentle self-massage and Self Myofascial Release (SMFR) techniques using soft yoga balls etc., releasing painful tension that builds up whenever I get too tired or too cold.
I am a cancer survivor in remission, having undergone a full hysterectomy two years ago, and four months of chemotherapy last year. I have also suffered from chronic fatigue syndrome, also known as myalgic encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME), since contracting some kind of unknown viral infection back in 2015. After I exhausted all possible avenues through the NHS and the private medical sector, I have had to rely on alternative treatments to deal with my various CFS/ME symptoms. I have good days and bad days. ,< and for years, I got by only with hands-on treatment from a therapist specialising in remedial massage using aromatherapy and gentle acupressure.> Since the first lockdown in March 2020, I have turned gratefully to Nic for assistance, and our weekly yoga and SMFR sessions via Skype are very satisfying, particularly as it is often the only real form of meaningful “exercise” I get during my bad spells. Nic's approach is very friendly and flexible, and she is always ready with alternative options whenever any yoga pose proves too challenging for me. One of the first lessons I learned from Nic was how to be much kinder to myself, allowing myself to just “be” and not even think about the many things that needed to be done or dealt with in my life for at least one hour a week. With Nic’s help I have retrained myself to actively adopt much more effective breathing patterns whenever I feel any anxiety or have trouble sleeping. As a direct result, I am far more relaxed and have less trouble sleeping these days, despite living through a global pandemic.
I whole-heartedly recommend this programme to anyone needing gentle encouragement to exercise at home, help with alleviating any form of musculoskeletal pain, and dealing with anxiety of any kind. In the current climate, this online programme is a wonderful resource. Thank you Nic! S F Wharton BA ACA - Retired on medical grounds
" I have been treated by Nic for my adrenals. I used to suffer regular adrenal crashes, insomnia and get chronic fatigue. Since receiving homeopathic treatment I now have my life back and can work, see my clients and have better balance and energy without adrenal crashes. My sleep patterns have hugely improved too. I have worked with Nic over the years for various ailments and they have successfully resolved and shifted the Ilnesses out of my life. " Janine
" What a find - Nicki and Myofascial Release! After years of pain in my back, hips and legs to varying degrees and having tried so many techniques to find relief, Nicki has worked magic. I didn't quite realise how stressed I was with the pain! In fact, I couldn't stand still due to the pain in my hips. Her knowledge of the ​body and it's workings, her ability to listen and then feel her way through to eleasing the issues is outstanding. She does it in such a warm and calm way. Not only had my pain gone but I was the most relaxed I have ever been for several days after each session; t has showed me how much tension I have released in a session. The sessions have been life changing for me. " Linda,
" I have struggled with chronic knee issues including arthritis for many years, following ruptures and subsequent operations on my cruciate and collateral ligaments. About 4 months ago I was really suffering from knee pain, I was limping very badly; the pain was severely restricting my mobility and ability to sleep.
​Nic did 3 treatments on my knee. I didn't know anything about Myofascial Release but during the 1st treatment I could feel lots of tingling in my knee. The following day after the first treatment my knee was significantly less painful and less inflamed. It got progressively got less painful over the following days. Nicki also made suggestions as to how I could manage my knee to improved my sleep which was a very welcome relief. She also gave me some homeopathic remedies to help my healing.
Four months on, and despite returning to using pretty heavy weights at the gym, I have had no problems with my knee and it is feeling really good. I can wholeheartly recommend MFR treatments with Nicki and I would urge anyone who needs body work to seek her out. Thank you Nic for making a difference to my life. " Paul | Sports Masseur
" Having a massive phobia about eyes, especially when it pertains to mine, I was pleased and horrified at the same time to receive an appointment to have cataract surgery. Stressed and full of anxiety I consulted Nicki who calmly listened to my dilemma and provided me with tablets to cope with the anxiety and anticipation I was experiencing.
On waking the first morning after starting the tablets I felt great having had a good sleep, proof being the duvet was still neatly covering me and not in a huge pile in the middle of the bed as it had been since I had received the news of my eye surgery!
Nicki’s instructions meant I could safely increase the amount I took as and when I felt the need.
By the time I went into surgery I was incredibly calm and composed, I know that would never have happened without Nicki’s help. " Linda
I have had eczema for years and at times I've ended up taking time off work. I've taken steroid tablets, creams, been offered light treatment and felt like I've gone round and round in circles. Since starting treatment with Nic, I have felt that my skin is healing like never before. Nic has shown me a better understanding of my body, I worry less and I feel more at peace. ​For the first time I feel that I am making lasting improvements." Alice
After getting hooked on Nic's Restorative yoga classes, I started a six week Yoga for Stress and Anxiety course with her as a way of dedicating some extra time to slowing down, checking in with myself and learning to stay centred. I couldn't have chosen anything better! Nic held a beautiful space, helping me to develop techniques with which to manage 'difficult' thoughts all with attentiveness, understanding and compassion, as well as offering an oasis of calm in the busyness of the week. I finished the course with the skills to ground myself in challenging situations, a self love practise and a slight pang that it was over! Tallulah
The stress & anxiety yoga programme has been incredibly powerful. Not only have a learned to relax, I have also considered my stressors and I am more able to address them.
​Thank you so much! Mel
After getting hooked on Nic's Restorative yoga classes, I started a six week Yoga for Stress and Anxiety programme with her as a way of dedicating some extra time to slowing down, checking in with myself and learning to stay centred. I couldn't have chosen anything better! Nic held a beautiful space, helping me to develop techniques with which to manage 'difficult' thoughts all with attentiveness, understanding and compassion, as well as offering an oasis of calm in the busyness of the week. I finished the course with the skills to ground myself in challenging situations, a self love practise and a slight pang that it was over! Tallulah
​As an experienced osteopath I really appreciated Nic’s 2 hour self myofascial release shoulder workshop where she could comprehensively take us through myofascial release methods for the many structures which affect the shoulders. These are techniques that people can take away with them and continue to work with at home - I would predict many people having quite amazing results. I certainly felt more freedom not just in my shoulders but through my whole body. I will definitely be going back for more - this is fascinating and effective work.
Meg McDonald | Osteopath
I contacted Nic as I was feeling a lot of grief and stress, as I went through a traumatic bereavement and relocation. I have regularly used yoga and other holistic methods as support, however I felt that I was really struggling and had to remove myself from life for quite a few months,. Nic helped to aid my recovery with her in-person programme. I found the remedies between sessions really helpful emotionally and physically. Nicki's approach is so genuine and she has amazing knowledge and a gentle spiritual depth that truly makes you feel heard, your feelings are taken seriously and without judgement. Becks
I have had the pleasure of working with Nic in helping me with a Uterine Prolapse, using MFR, SMFR and Homeopathy. On this journey I have restored a health problem I have had from childhood, completely unexpected and continue going forward restoring my prolapse with the care and professionlism from Nic. CB