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Re-lease, Re-set & Restore

Booking confirmed

You have booked for 4 sessions:

9th- 30th March, 7.45pm - 8.45pm

I am beyond excited to bring you my love of Self Myofascial Release (SMFR) and Restorative Yoga, fused into a weekly class to re-lease and re-set. This delicious practice will nurture you to find ease in your body and your soul.  


PLEASE ENSURE you have the following ready for class:

  • 2 massage therapy balls and 1 yellow plastic therapy ball ready for class, if you don't have these tennis balls with be fine

  • A couple of pillows

  • 3 blankets

  • 1 chair

  • 2 thick books (or if you have them 2 yoga blocks)

  • (optional yoga mat, yoga bolster and strap)

  • Your camera is on and you are completely on screen so I can check techniques

    You will receive email and text reminders 24 hours before the session. 

    PLEASE NOTE that the Zoom details will show 7.30pm, but the session will start at 7.45PM.

    Please ensure you join the call 5 minutes before the session starts and you have all your props.


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Re-lease, Re-set
& Restore

Image by Simone Hutsch

My Clinic

I see a wide range of clients that seek myofascial treatment after losing flexibility or 
function following an injury, surgery or experience ongoing pain, in some cases that have been unresolved for some years. I treat clients with soft tissue pain patterns such as fibromyalgiaME and Lyme disease. I also treat women’s health issues.

My clinics are based in Stonehouse and Stroud, Gloucestershire.

Image by Annie Spratt

Scar Tissue

“ A scar is the tip of a fascial iceberg”

Scar tissue can occur as a result of physical trauma (either from surgery or similar injury). This density is often what creates a pull on the tissues deep under the skin, which can then in turn cause pain., and can often lead to compensations in other areas.
Read more about scar tissue release here.


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